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Hair Systems

The Hair System is the latest technology in hair loss which consists of human hair and an undetectable layer of artificial skin. The whole procedure is pain free and  quick, your new hair is designed to suit your lifestyle.

The Hair Replacement System can be used for full hair loss and also to cover discrete patches of hair loss - such as the temples. 

Each Hair System is unique and customised to fit the exact balding/thinning area on your scalp and remains in place for around 4-6 weeks (this time can vary depending on the client). The new hair will then be applied semi-permanently to your scalp, the bond used is water based, toxin free and is a painless process.

The basis of the Hair System is an artificial skin that imitates the properties of the human epidermis, the top layer of the skin. It is only 0.03mm thin, has pores and is breathable. This allows your skin to breathe and sweat naturally while you are wearing the Hair System.

Have a question? Visit our FAQ's here.

*Maintenance every 4-6 weeks includes removal, cleaning and application with a full cut and finish by a professional skilled barber.

Before & After

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